Parish Council August update
Despite the Covid restrictions, although by the time you read this they will largely have all
been lifted, your Parish Council has been busy these last few weeks.
The pop up café, spearheaded by Katie Piper, has been popular providing an opportunity for
people to get together whilst also generating funds for us so we can initially join the
Plunkett Foundation, with whom we are now working and then get our fundraising for a
unit off the starting block. We are aiming to raise £50,000 so that we can buy a portacabin
or equivalent plus fit it out.
Meetings with Highways England have been continuing on a fairly frequent basis and
despite Hatch Beauchamp, together with 7 other PCs from Thornfalcon towards Southfields,
putting forward various proposals to ensure the best possible outcome for local residents,
these have largely been ignored by HE. At this stage 2 flyovers are being proposed at either
end of the village! The public consultation is due to take place this autumn when HE will
present their preliminary designs which they tell us can still be changed so it will be vital for
them to hear as many of your comments and views as possible. We will be organising at
least one village meeting nearer the time. In addition we have invited the HE project
manager to attend the PC meeting in September so please use that meeting as a further
opportunity to air your views.
In the meantime, we can all look forward to the picnic, being jointly co-ordinated with the
Village Hall, on August 29 12-5pm. There will be a variety of games as well as kids theatre
and ice cream van and much more. See you there!
Christine Scott
Chair, Hatch Beauchamp Parish Council