Parish Council Update - November
The Parish Council has started work on a Community Resilience plan. This is something to prepare us for an emergency such as the village cut off by snow or extended power cuts - where would people go for emergency shelter, who would you contact and act as liaison with emergency services for example. Pippa Fowler is leading this project.
The provision of a regular bus service continues to be a priority for Hatch Beauchamp, as evidenced by the Neighbourhood survey and at separate events for the young people of the village. Andy Grant has some good ideas about changes to existing services that he is pursuing with the organisations concerned, and further consultation is planned to determine what are the priorities for any potential service.
Bill Revans, leader of Somerset County Council, came to the village hall with other county councillors to hear our concerns about the nature of the A358 upgrade. Representatives of other parishes were also in attendance. They listened well and got our message – however at the full council meeting yesterday (Wednesday 23rd) our questions did not get a proper response. The Development Consent Order application is expected as early as 5th December.
Kevin Comer
Chair, Hatch Beauchamp Parish Council