Parish Newsletter - October
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Bus 10C
The additional Thursday 10C service will stop running after 12th December. We thank all of those who have made use of this bus since March and encourage everyone to continue to use it as much as possible until the end date.
Upcoming Events
Hatch Community Car Scheme AGM
Today - 7.30pm Monday 28th October - Village Hall
All welcome - annual report, election of committee and distribution of excess funds
Beetle Drive
Saturday 2nd November 7.30pm - Village Hall

Hot Dog supper included. (Vegan option available)
Tickets £8 from David Derbyshire: tel : 01823 480767
All funds raised to support
St John’s Church Hatch Beauchamp.
Village Pantomime - Robin Hood and Babes in the Wood
by Alan Frayn
5th, 6th and 7th December (Matinee Saturday) - Village Hall

Tickets £10 (Child £4) from Sue Comer-Jones tel: 01823 481909