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Parish Newsletter - September

Writer's picture: Hatch Beauchamp Parish CouncilHatch Beauchamp Parish Council

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The last meeting of the Parish Council was well attended by the public and there was a presentation by Friends of Hatch Beauchamp School outlining the significant funds raised just since Easter for projects such as building a new play hut and hosting a literary festival. The council agreed to contribute a further £1000 to these impressive plans. The council is also looking at the feasibility of running a youth club.

Councillors and members of the public completed a survey of the drains around the village, some found to be in a poor state being blocked by vegetation and dirt, particularly in the older parts of the village. The results will be reported to Somerset Council and also form part of the audit of issues organised by our Local Community Network. There are proposals to place speed reminders around the village, and possibly share a speed indicator sign. The next village tidy event is planned for 16th Nov, look out for details.

Bus 10C

Unfortunately the additional service on Thursday mornings failed to gain sufficient support from passengers to be sustainable by Parish Council funding alone. We have pressed Somerset Council to provide a small amount of subsidy (£1000) to keep it going. Despite this being peanuts in terms of their overall budget and what is spent on roads for private vehicles, they refuse to help. Therefore we are ending the service, it will run for a week or two and under-18s will continue to travel free while funds last.

Thanks to those in the village who gave their support up til now.

Contacting the Parish Council

A reminder that to raise any questions, concerns or suggestions regarding the Parish Council, please attend the meetings which always have time dedicated to public questions and comments and is the only forum where decisions can be made. They occur on a regular schedule of the second Wednesday every other month and the agenda is published on noticeboards and online 5 days ahead of time. The next meeting is 13th November. You can also send more urgent questions to the Clerk (contact details are published in every issue of this magazine) and expect a response within a few days

Upcoming Events

Petals and Tales - a Take Art production

5pm Friday 4th October - Village Hall

An Autumn Quiz

Saturday 5th October - Village Hall




£10 per team maximum of 6 per team.

Refreshments available.


Contact David Derbyshire if you are bringing a team or turn up on the night. 01823 480767.

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