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Code of Conduct (summary)

The official Parish Council Code of Conduct is the LGA-derived document above. The summary below is for ease of comprehension only. For full details including definitions of terms please refer to the official document


As a member of Hatch Beauchamp Parish Counil, I shall have regard to the following principles:

  • Selflessness

  • Integrity

  • Objectivity

  • Accountability

  • Openness

  • Honesty

  • Leadership

To uphold these principles, I will follow the below Code of Conduct whilst carrying out my role.

1. Respect

1.1 I treat other Councillors and members of the public with respect.

1.2 I treat local authority employees, employees and representatives of partner organisations and those volunteering for the local authority with respect and respect the role they play.

2. Bullying, harassment, and discrimination

2.1 I do not bully any person.

2.2 I do not harass any person.

2.3 I promote equality and do not discriminate unlawfully against any person.

3. Impartiality of officers of the council

3.1 I do not compromise, or attempt to compromise, the impartiality of anyone who works for, or on behalf of, the local authority.

4. Confidentiality and access to information     

4.1 I do not disclose information:

4.1.1 given to me in confidence by anyone;

4.1.2 acquired by me which I believe, or ought reasonably to be aware, is of a confidential nature, unless:  I have received the consent of a person authorised to give it;  I am required by law to do so;  The disclosure is made to a third party for the purpose of obtaining professional legal advice provided that the third party agrees not to disclose the information to any other person; or  The disclosure is:

a) Reasonable and in the public interest; and

b) made in good faith and in compliance with the reasonable requirements of the local authority; and

c) I have consulted the Monitoring Officer prior to its release.

4.2 I do not improperly use knowledge gained solely as a result of my role as a Councillor for the advancement of myself, my friends, my family members, my employer or my business interests

4.3  I do not prevent anyone from getting information that they are entitled to by law.

5. Disrepute          

5.1 I do not bring my role or local authority into disrepute.

6. Use of position 

6.1 I do not use, or attempt to use, my position improperly to the advantage or disadvantage of myself or anyone else.

6.2 I do not place myself under a financial or other obligation to outside individuals or organisations that might seek to influence me in the performance of my official duties.

7. Use of local authority resources and facilities 

7.1 I do not misuse council resources.

7.2 I will, when using the resources of the local authority or authorising their use by others:

7.2.1 act in accordance with the local authority's requirements; and

7.2.2 ensure that such resources are not used for political purposes unless that use could reasonably be regarded as likely to facilitate, or be conducive to, the discharge of the functions of the local authority or of the office to which I have been elected or appointed.

8. Complying with the Code of Conduct   

8.1 I undertake Code of Conduct training provided by my local authority.

8.2 I cooperate with any Code of Conduct investigation and/or determination.

8.3 I do not intimidate or attempt to intimidate any person who is likely to be involved with the administration of any investigation or proceedings.

8.4 I comply with all sanctions imposed on me and any recommendations agreed to be undertaken by me following a finding that I have breached the Code of Conduct and any undertakings that I have agreed to fulfil as part of the informal/alternative resolution of any alleged breach of the Code of Conduct.  

9. Interests 

9.1 I register and disclose my interests.

10. Gifts and Hospitality 

10.1 I do not accept gifts or hospitality, irrespective of estimated value, which could give rise to real or substantive personal gain or a reasonable suspicion of influence on my part to show favour from persons seeking to acquire, develop or do business with the local authority, or from persons who may apply to the local authority for any permission, licence or other significant advantage.

10.2 I register with the Monitoring Officer any gift or hospitality with an estimated value of at least £50 within 28 days of its receipt.

10.3 I register with the Monitoring Officer any significant gift or hospitality that I have been offered but have refused to accept.

11. Taking Decisions     

11.1 When carrying out my public duties, I make all choices, such as making public appointments, awarding contracts or recommending individuals for rewards or benefits, on merit.

11.2 I am as open as possible about my decisions and actions and the decisions and actions of my authority, and am prepared to give reasons for those decisions and actions.

11.3 I am accountable for my decisions to the public and will co-operate fully with whatever scrutiny is appropriate to my office.



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