Hatch Beauchamp welcomes women of every creed, colour and vintage – in fact, we are Wonderfully Inclusive! If you would like to make new friends, learn new skills, be more involved in community activities and contribute to important nationwide debate, then our WI is for you. We meet on the 2nd Thursday of the month at Hatch Beauchamp Village Hall, at 7:15 p.m. We have tea, coffee, biscuits and quite often cake, as well as fascinating speakers and workshop sessions. Prospective members come to their first two meetings free, and will be guaranteed a very warm welcome. Email Alison Redfern at secretaryhbwi@outlook.com for more information.
President: Liz Kingston presidenthbwi@gmail.com
Secretary: Alison Redfern - secretaryhbwi@outlook.com