Produce Market
Since its inception in 2010 the Produce Market has gone from strength to strength. The market is held every 2nd Saturday of the month from 10 a.m. to 12 noon. Stall holders include Bonners (award winning butchers and delicatessen) of Ilminster, Upper Crust Bakery, Simon Jones (local honey producer) and Helen and John Toon, of Badbury Flower Company. We also have local stall holders Stan & Fran Case providing fresh vegetables, Carole Temblett supplying home-made cakes, preserves and chutneys as well as cards, crafts and bric-a- brac from other local providers. The market also provides an opportunity to advertise local events being held at Hatch Beauchamp Village Hall. such as Take Art or @2K productions.
The market is well supported by the villagers of Hatch Beauchamp and visitors from the surrounding towns and villages. Our `Community Café’ is extremely popular offering freshly brewed coffee, tea, bacon butties, homemade cheese scones and cake. The café is run each month by one of our local organisations (Hatch Beauchamp Village Hall Committee, Hatch and Neroche Garden Club, St John’s Church, HATS, Hatch Beauchamp WI etc.) and all profits raised goes direct to their organisations. Income from the hire of the tables rented to the producers has been a valuable source of income for the Village Hall along with sales of second hand books which are available each month.
If you would like further details about hiring a table then please contact Donna Davies, market co-ordinator on 01823 480298.
Do drop in and see us. You can be assured of a very warm Hatch Beauchamp welcome….anytime!