Parish Council Update
Unfortunately, the issue of the proposed dualling of the A358 is never seemingly off the agenda. The community forum with National Highways on 15 February was as expected and really nothing more than a tick-box exercise. We didn’t get any new information, the published consultation response overview is extremely broad-brush, and when asked whether in light of the responses NH would re-design the route the standard response was it was ‘too early’ to say. We, as the Community of Parishes, have finally secured a meeting with all the local authorities to be held on 21 March. This has been very much us pushing for a meeting as opposed to any pro-active engagement from the councils – truly disappointing for an organisation that is meant to represent its constituents. Even following a Freedom of Information request from Hatch Beauchamp Parish Council we were refused sight of minutes between Somerset County Council and NH.
The pop-up cafés have been going well and in particular the February event saw a lot of families and children attend – it was great to see. We still need to expand the group driving the community shop project and any help or expertise will be greatly appreciated. Perhaps you are a whizz in marketing, you might have some retail experience etc. In a good month it might only take up an hour of your time and certainly never more than 4 hours a month. THE COMMUNITY SHOP NEEDS YOU!
The Wellness Walks continue to be well attended or is it the opportunity to sample cake and a hot drink at the Hub afterwards?
The Neighbourhood Plan group is currently creating a survey that will go out to all households in the near future. We would encourage every individual to complete the survey so that we can build as full a picture as possible as to the needs and wants of the villagers. This will touch on everything from the A358 dualling to housing requirements, leisure facilities etc.
Christine Scott
Chair, Hatch Beauchamp Parish Council