Tree Policy (August 2023 draft)
1. Recommendations: to address continuing tree loss and promote tree planting.
When applications to the council are made to fell trees, Hatch Beauchamp Parish Council, Planning Committee will, whenever possible, request that a suitable replacement tree, or trees, are planted, either on or near the felled tree or on an alternative site to be agreed with the owner.
Hatch Beauchamp Parish Council will seek to include in its Neighbourhood Plan that a replanting condition will be included in all planning consents that affect trees, shrubs and hedges.
The Parish Council will notify local authority planning enforcement when planning conditions affecting trees have not been completed (in common with all planning condition breaches).
2. Recommendation: The Parish Council will identify opportunities for tree planting in the parish, help with funding packages for tree planting, and involve the community as volunteers where possible.
Notices will be placed in local publications asking the public to offer up or identify sites which could then be explored in partnership with the Tree Warden and landowners to check their suitability. Shrubs and hedgerows might be more suited to some sites.
Where possible to plant new trees, the Tree Warden will advise on the right species of tree, bearing in mind practical and aesthetic considerations. Two rare species already found in Hatch Beauchamp: Wild Service and Black Poplar, would be particularly favoured as would some of the more uncommon shrubs found in hedgerows (e.g. spindle, wayfaring tree, guelder rose and buckthorn)
3. Recommendation: The Parish Council will appoint a Tree Warden to help the Council with tree matters in local planning applications, advise on suitable actions and lead on the co-ordination of tree planting projects.
At the time of publication the Tree Warden is Rod Harrington.
4. Recommendation: The Parish Council will promote, publicise and support the creation of new community woodlands and community orchards and the maintenance of existing ones in Hatch Beauchamp.
The Parish Council draws the public’s attention to the Woodland Trust’s Tree Charter toolkit.
Draft for consultation on the Parish Council website and inviting people to comment. To be proposed at September 2023 PC meeting. Key policies will also be adopted in the Neighbourhood Plan